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Creating Through Covid: Week 4

Activity #1: Reflecting on the Year

In our normal school year this would be the last "normal" week of school. I want you to take a moment to reflect on all the things you've made and created this year. Think big here, not just art class. Maybe you created a sweet birthday cake for your niece or designed and created some insanely awesome carnival game for Stats class. In your sketchbook, try and make a list of all the things you've made, or collect them. Think about what you're proud of and what makes those pieces stand out. Think about the pieces you aren't proud of and what they might be missing.

Activity #2: Revise or Redesign

Choose one of the pieces from the list above. Re-make it from scratch, choosing to re-imagine it in some way, or revise what you already have. Try and make a drastic change. Maybe you take something that is in pencil and paint it instead, maybe you take a drawing of a flower and you make it a bouquet. If you like the original design and think your technical skills could have been better, feel free to just revise it. Respond to the artwork and whatever it needs.

Activity #3: Public Art Scavenger Hunt

Our area is lucky to have some amazing murals and public sculptures. Take a drive around Mount Vernon, Lisbon, or another Iowa community and take a selfie with public art pieces and share them. Take @LionsCreate on Instagram or email me your photos.


Share any artwork you are making with me this week and I will bring you a prize!

About Me

Welcome to Lions Create! My name is Anne Craig and I am the 7-12 visual arts teacher at Lisbon Community Schools in Lisbon, Iowa. This site will be used as a resource for both students and teachers. I strongly believe in creating an open space for students to learn, make, and grow.

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