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Creating Through Covid - Week 5

Sorry I am late! Today is my birthday and Mother's Day was just a few days ago so this week's assignments are to celebrate you, your birth, and your mother.

ACTIVITY #1: Memories

Create a "sketch" in your sketchbook about a positive memory you have as a child. This "sketch" could be a full drawing or even a journal entry. Remember that art comes in many forms does not have to be an illustration or realistic!

ACTIVITY #2: Something New

With the birth of a child comes new adventures and changes all over the place. Change is exciting but also scary. Create a piece of artwork related to something new that is coming up for you. It could be related to the pandemic, or just summer coming up. It could be about a new relationship, or a new hobby.

ACTIVITY #3: Kid Art

I found this video that I think is awesome. If my kids allow me today, I will try this out. The artist finds artwork from when he was a little kid and makes an "adult" version. See if you can find artwork from when you were a kid and try and recreate it. Remember you can use whatever materials you have available.

About Me

Welcome to Lions Create! My name is Anne Craig and I am the 7-12 visual arts teacher at Lisbon Community Schools in Lisbon, Iowa. This site will be used as a resource for both students and teachers. I strongly believe in creating an open space for students to learn, make, and grow.

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